ISVapp REST API Documentation
Please let us know if a section needs clarification, better examples or if you have general feedback via [email protected]
Every API request must be signed via the Authorization header using the Bearer keyword. Example:
Authorization: Bearer
The bearer token can be obtained from within ISVapp > Setup > REST API. In order to generate a new key, click the “Generate new API key” button (you need Owner permissions in order to create API keys).
Ensure that you select the correct permission scope for your API key. The necessary permission scopes are documented for each API endpoint below. For example, in order to retrieve metrics from ISVapp, select the ISVapp metrics retrieval scope.
Note: all endpoints in this API are rate-limited. You can perform a maximum of two requests per second. Please adjust your integration code accordingly.
Response structure
All responses of successful requests are wrapped into an envelope structure:
{ data:
All responses of failed requests follow the error schema:
{ error: "error message", success: false }
Show the account associated with the used API key (for testing)
Note: this is an endpoint intended to verify a successful API connection only. The response data cannot be used for any other purpose.
id - The internal ISVapp account ID
company_name - The company name associated with your ISVapp account
Show a list of active Salesforce accounts
This endpoint is intended to query all active Salesforce accounts that ISVapp has identified in your partner business organization (PBO). You may use this endpoint to retrieve Salesforce IDs of records that you can then feed into the salesforce_account_summary endpoint.
A successful response contains an array of objects with the following attributes:
isvapp_id - Internal ISVapp ID (for debugging purposes only)
salesforce_id - ID of the record in your Salesforce PBO
name - Name of the record in your Salesforce PBO (for debugging purposes)
Show the summary metrics for a given account record by ID
Note: this endpoint assumes that you know the (Salesforce) IDs of account records that you like to query ISVapp-specific metrics for.
One of the following is required:
salesforce_account_id - The 15 or 18 digit Salesforce ID of the account
isvapp_id - The ISVapp account UUID
Example request URL:
A successful response contains an object and the following attributes:
account_name - Name of the account
activation_date - Earliest activation date of the account
custom_object_record_counts (array):
count - Total record count on reference date
custom_object_isvapp_id - Internal ISVapp ID of the custom object
custom_object_name - Name of the custom object
growth_per_day_avg_last_7days - Daily average growth (can be negative)
package_name - Name of the package
custom_object_records_reference_date - Most recent date for which record counts are available
isvapp_id - Internal ISVapp ID
main_org_id - Salesforce Organization ID of the primary license
main_org_instance_key - Salesforce instance key (e.g. NA21) of the primary license
main_org_mau_most_recent - Most recent monthly active users of the primary license organization
main_package_version - Installed package version of the primary license
salesforce_id - Account ID in Salesforce
seats_assigned - No. of seats assigned
seats_total - No. of seats used
Generate signed download URLs for a set of requests
A common use case for this endpoint is a monthly or daily download of raw request files:
Request a list of requests for a specified range (e.g. one month) using the /requests endpoint
Request download URLs by passing the request IDs from (1) to the /requests/downloads endpoint
The endpoint requires an application/json body containing the following attributes:
request_ids - Array of request IDs (min: 1, max: 1000 IDs)
A successful response contains an array of objects with the following attributes:
URLs are valid for 15 minutes
Request files are GZIP-compressed
Show all package usage log requests within a given range
The following parameters are required:
from - Timestamp; format YYYY-MM-DD
to - Timestamp; format YYYY-MM-DD; cannot be in the future
Notes: from and to cannot span more than 31 days
A successful response contains an array of objects with the following attributes:
id - Required to initiate downloads